A WebSphere Application Server cell might contain a deployment manager plus any or all of the following
- one or more node agents
- one or more application servers
- zero or more web servers
- zero or more proxy servers
- zero or more generic servers
A deployment manager provides centralized monitoring and control for the cell. It plays no part in content generation. It communicates with node agents about the configuration and the health of their nodes. Except for single server profiles, there will always be a deployment manager.
A node agent controls zero to an unlimited number of application servers, generic servers, proxy servers and web servers all of whom must be located on the same physical computer as the node agent. Node agents play no part in content generation. They configure the servers that they control and they report the health and status of those servers back to the deployment manager.
An application provides an execution environment for modules from a J2EE enterprise application. It can also act as a member of a service integration bus.
Web servers and proxy servers isolate application servers from direct contact with the internet. They can also act as load balancers (within certain limitations).
Generic servers are a way to allow WebSphere Application Server to control non-IBM servers such as JBoss and other servers.