AdminReports - Admin configuration reports Commands: reportConfigInconsistencies - Checks the configuation repository and reports any structural inconsistencies reportConfiguredPorts - Generates a report of the ports configured in the cell AuthorizationGroupCommands - Authorization Group Commands: addResourceToAuthorizationGroup - Add resources to an existing authorization group. createAuthorizationGroup - Create a new authorization group. deleteAuthorizationGroup - Delete an existing authorization group listAuthorizationGroups - List existing Authorization Groups. listAuthorizationGroupsForGroupID - list all the AuthorizationGroups that a given group has access to listAuthorizationGroupsForUserID - list all the AuthorizationGroups that a given user has access to. listAuthorizationGroupsOfResource - Get the authorization groups of a given Resource. listGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroup - listGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroupDesc listResourcesForGroupID - List all the objects that a given group has access to. listResourcesForUserID - List all the objects that a given user has access to. listResourcesOfAuthorizationGroup - List all the resources within the given Authorization Group. listUserIDsOfAuthorizationGroup - listUserIDsOfAuthorizationGroupDesc mapGroupsToAdminRole - Map groupids to one or more admin role in the authorization group. mapUsersToAdminRole - Map userids to one or more admin role in the authorization group. removeGroupsFromAdminRole - Remove groupids from one or more admin role in the AuthorizationGroup. removeResourceFromAuthorizationGroup - Remove resources from an existing authorization group. removeUsersFromAdminRole - Remove userids from one or more admin role in the AuthorizationGroup. AutoGen Commands - Commands for autogenerating LTPA password and server Id. CertificateRequestCommands - Command that manage certificate request. Commands: createCertificateRequest - Create Certificate Request deleteCertificateRequest - Delete an existing Certificate request from a key store. extractCertificateRequest - Extract a certificate request to a file. getCertificateRequest - Get information about a certificate request listCertificateRequests - The list of certificate request in a keyStore. ChannelFrameworkManagement - A group of admin commands that help in configuring the WebSphere Transport Channel Service Commands: createChain - Create a new chain of transport channels based on a chain template. deleteChain - Delete an existing chain and, optionally, the transport channels in the chain. listChainTemplates - Displays a list of templates that can be used to create chains in this configuration. All templates have a certain type of transport channel as the last transport channel in the chain. listChains - List all chains configured under a particular instance of TransportChannelService. ClusterConfigCommands - Commands for configuring application server clusters and cluster members. Commands: createCluster - Creates a new application server cluster. createClusterMember - Creates a new member of an application server cluster. deleteCluster - Delete the configuration of an application server cluster. deleteClusterMember - Deletes a member from an application server cluster. ConfigArchiveOperations - A command group that contains various config archive related operations. Commands: exportServer - export the configuration of a server to a config archive. exportWasprofile - export the configuration of a wsprofile to a config archive. In 6.0 we only supports single server wsprofile. importServer - Import a server configuration from a configuration archive. This command creates a new server based on the server configuration defined in the archive. importWasprofile - Import the configuration of a wasprofile profile from a configuration archive. This command overwrites the configuration of the current wasprofile configuration. In V6.0, this command supports the single-server wasprofile profile only. ConfigLimits - No description available Commands: (APPARENTLY NONE) CoreGroupBridgeManagement - A group of administrative commands that help in configuring core groups. Commands: createCoreGroupAccessPoint - This command creates a default core group access point for the specified core group and adds it to the default access point group. deleteCoreGroupAccessPoints - Delete all the core group access points associated with a specified core group. getNamedTCPEndPoint - Returns the port associated with the specified bridge interface. This is the port specified on the TCP inbound channel of transport channel chain for the specified bridge interface. listCoreGroups - Return a collection of core groups that are related to the specified core group. listEligibleBridgeInterfaces - Returns a collection of node, server and transport channel chain combinations that are eligible to become bridge interfaces for the specified core group access point. CoreGroupManagement - A set of commands for modifying core groups Commands: createCoreGroup - Create a new core group deleteCoreGroup - Delete an existing core group. The core group must contain no servers. doesCoreGroupExist - Check to see if a core group exists. getAllCoreGroupNames - Get the names of all core groups getCoreGroupNameForServer - Get the name of the core group the server is a member of. getDefaultCoreGroupName - Get the name of the default core group moveClusterToCoreGroup - Move all servers in a cluster from one core group to another. moveServerToCoreGroup - Move a server from one core group to another. CreateWebServerByHostNameCommands - Specify the configuration properties for IBM HTTP Server. Commands: createWebServerByHostName - Create Web server definition using hostname. DescriptivePropCommands - Commands to configure Descriptive Properties. Commands: createDescriptiveProp - Create a descriptive property under an object. deleteDescriptiveProp - Delete a descriptive property under an object. getDescriptiveProp - Get information about a descriptive property under an object. listDescriptiveProps - List descriptive properties under an object. modifyDescriptiveProp - Modify a descriptive property under an object. DynamicSSLConfigSelectionCommands - Dynamic SSL configuration selections commands for managing remote access. Commands: createDynamicSSLConfigSelection - Create a Dynamic SSL configuration Selection. deleteDynamicSSLConfigSelection - Delete an existing Dynamic SSL configuration Selection. getDynamicSSLConfigSelection - Get information about a Dynamic SSL configuration Selection. listDynamicSSLConfigSelections - List all Dynamic SSL configuration selections. EventServiceCommands - A group of commands for deploying and configuring the event service Commands: deployEventService - The deployEventService command deploys and configures the event service on a server or cluster. deployEventServiceMdb - The deployEventServiceMdb command deploys the event service MDB to a server or cluster. disableEventService - The disableEventService command disables the event service from starting after the next restart of the WebSphere server(s) designated by the nodeName, serverName or clusterName parameters. enableEventService - The enableEventService command enables the event service to be started after the next restart of the WebSphere server(s) designated by the nodeName, serverName or clusterName parameters. removeEventService - The removeEventService command removes the event service from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceMdb - The removeEventServiceMdb command removes the event service MDB from a server or cluster. setEventServiceJmsAuthAlias - The setEventServiceJmsAuthAlias updates the authentication alias used by the event service JMS objects on a server or cluster. If the JMS authentication alias does not exist, it is created showEventServiceStatus - The showEventServiceStatus command returns the status of the event service in a server or cluster. If the task is executed with no parameters, the status of all event services is displayed. To filter the list of event services to be displayed, provide nodeName, serverName or clusterName. EventServiceDBCommands - A group of commands for configuring the Event Service databases. Commands: configEventServiceDB2DB - The configEventServiceDB2DB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 on a server or cluster. configEventServiceDB2ZOSDB - The configEventServiceDB2ZOSDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 z/OS on a server or cluster. configEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB - The configEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB command generates the DDL database scripts, creates the Event Service database for DB2 iSeries on the native platform and creates data sources on a server or cluster. configEventServiceDerbyDB - The configEventServiceDerbyDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for Derby on a server or cluster. configEventServiceInformixDB - The configEventServiceInformixDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for Informix on a server or cluster. configEventServiceOracleDB - The configEventServiceOracleDB command creates the Event Service tables and data sources for Oracle on a server or cluster. The command does not create the database; the Oracle SID must already created. configEventServiceSQLServerDB - The configEventServiceSQLServerDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for SQL Server on a server or cluster. configEventServiceSybaseDB - The configEventServiceSybaseDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for Sybase on a server or cluster. removeEventServiceDB2DB - The removeEventServiceDB2DB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceDB2ZOSDB - The removeEventServiceDB2ZOSDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 z/OS from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB - The removeEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB command removes the DB2 for iSeries data sources from a server or cluster. User must remove the database manually. removeEventServiceDerbyDB - The removeEventServiceDerbyDB command removes the Event Service database and data source for Derby from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceInformixDB - The removeEventServiceInformixDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for Informix from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceOracleDB - The removeEventServiceOracleDB command removes the Event Service tables and data sources for Oracle from a server or cluster. The command does not remove the database. removeEventServiceSQLServerDB - The removeEventServiceSQLServerDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for SQL Server from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceSybaseDB - The removeEventServiceSybaseDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for Sybase from a server or cluster. GenerateSecurityConfigCommand - Command for generating security configuration report. Commands: generateSecConfigReport - Generate the Security Configuration report. IdMgrConfig - A group of commands that configures virtual member manager. Commands: createIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Creates a supported entity type configuration. deleteIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Deletes a supported entity type configuration. getIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Returns the configuration of the specified supported entity type. listIdMgrSupportedEntityTypes - Lists all the configured supported entity types. resetIdMgrConfig - Reloads the virtual member manager configuration from the virtual member manager configuration file. showIdMgrConfig - Shows the current configuration with unsaved changes. updateIdMgrLDAPBindInfo - Dynamically updates the LDAP server bind information. If bindDN is specified bindPassword must be specified. If only id is specified then LDAP server information is refreshed. updateIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Updates a supported entity type configuration. IdMgrDBSetup - A group of commands to configure virtual member manager databases, property extension database, and entry mapping database. Commands: deleteIdMgrDBTables - Deletes the tables of the database in virtual member manager. deleteIdMgrEntryMappingRepositoryTables - Deletes the tables of the entry mapping database in virtual member manager. deleteIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepositoryTables - Deletes the tables of the property extension database in virtual member manager. setupIdMgrDBTables - Creates and populates tables for database in virtual member manager. setupIdMgrEntryMappingRepositoryTables - Creates and populates tables for entry mapping database in virtual member manager. setupIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepositoryTables - Creates and populates tables for a property extension database in virtual member manager. IdMgrRealmConfig - A group of commands that configures virtual member manager realms. Commands: addIdMgrRealmBaseEntry - Adds a base entry to a specified realm configuration. createIdMgrRealm - Creates a realm configuration. deleteIdMgrRealm - Deletes the specified realm configuration. deleteIdMgrRealmBaseEntry - Deletes a base entry from a specified realm configuration. getIdMgrDefaultRealm - Returns the name of the default realm. getIdMgrRealm - Returns the specified realm configuration. getIdMgrRepositoriesForRealm - Returns repository specific details for the repositories configuration for the specified realm. listIdMgrRealmBaseEntries - Lists all base entries of the specified realm. listIdMgrRealms - Lists the name of configured realms. renameIdMgrRealm - Renames the specified realm configuration. setIdMgrDefaultRealm - Sets the name of the default realm. updateIdMgrRealm - Updates the configuration of the specified realm. IdMgrRepositoryConfig - A group of commands that configures virtual member manager repositories. Commands: addIdMgrLDAPBackupServer - Sets up a backup LDAP server. addIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Adds an LDAP entity type definition to the LDAP repository configuration. addIdMgrLDAPEntityTypeRDNAttr - Adds RDN attribute configuration to an LDAP entity type configuration. addIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttr - Adds a dynamic member attribute configuration to an LDAP group configuration. addIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttr - Adds a member attribute configuration to the LDAP group configuration. addIdMgrLDAPServer - Adds an LDAP server to the LDAP repository configuration. addIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntry - Adds a base entry to the specified repository. createIdMgrDBRepository - Creates a database repository configuration. createIdMgrFileRepository - Creates a file repository configuration. createIdMgrLDAPRepository - Creates an LDAP repository configuration object. deleteIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Deletes a LDAP entity type configuration data for a specified entity type for a specific LDAP repository. deleteIdMgrLDAPEntityTypeRDNAttr - Deletes RDN attribute configuration from an LDAP entity type configuration. deleteIdMgrLDAPGroupConfig - Deletes the entire LDAP group configuration. deleteIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttr - Deletes the dynamic member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration. deleteIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttr - Deletes the member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration. deleteIdMgrLDAPServer - Deletes the primary LDAP server and configured backup servers. deleteIdMgrRepository - Deletes the configuration of the specified repository. deleteIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntry - Deletes a base entry from the specified repository. getIdMgrLDAPAttrCache - Returns the LDAP attribute cache configuration. getIdMgrLDAPContextPool - Returns LDAP context pool configuration. getIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Returns the LDAP entity type configuration data for the specified entity type in the LDAP repository. getIdMgrLDAPEntityTypeRDNAttr - Returns the RDN attributes configuration of an LDAP entity type configuration. getIdMgrLDAPGroupConfig - Returns the LDAP group configuration parameters. getIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttrs - Returns the dynamic member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration. getIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttrs - Returns the member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration. getIdMgrLDAPSearchResultCache - Returns the LDAP search result cache configuration. getIdMgrLDAPServer - Returns all the configured LDAP servers and their configurations. getIdMgrRepository - Returns the configuration of the specified repository. listIdMgrCustomProperties - Returns custom properties of specified repository configuration. listIdMgrLDAPBackupServers - Lists the backup LDAP servers. listIdMgrLDAPEntityTypes - Lists the name of all configured entity types for the specified LDAP repository. listIdMgrLDAPServers - Lists all the configured primary LDAP servers. listIdMgrRepositories - Lists names, types, and hostnames of all the configured repositories. listIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntries - Returns base entries for a specified repository. listIdMgrSupportedDBTypes - Returns a list of supported database types. listIdMgrSupportedLDAPServerTypes - Returns list of supported LDAP server types. listIdMgrSupportedMessageDigestAlgorithms - Returns a list of supported message digest algorithms. removeIdMgrLDAPBackupServer - Removes a backup LDAP server. setIdMgrCustomProperty - Sets/adds/deletes custom property to a repository configuration. If value is an empty string then the property will be deleted from the repository configuration. If name does not exist then it will be added, if value is not an empty string. If name is an empty string then all the custom properties will be deleted. setIdMgrEntryMappingRepository - Sets or updates an entry mapping repository configuration. setIdMgrLDAPAttrCache - Sets up the LDAP attribute cache configuration. setIdMgrLDAPContextPool - Sets up the LDAP context pool configuration. setIdMgrLDAPGroupConfig - Sets up the LDAP group configuration. setIdMgrLDAPSearchResultCache - Sets up the LDAP search result cache configuration. setIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepository - Sets or updates the property mapping repository configuration. updateIdMgrDBRepository - Updates a database repository configuration. updateIdMgrFileRepository - Updates a file repository configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPAttrCache - Updates the LDAP attribute cache configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPContextPool - Updates the LDAP context pool configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Updates an existing LDAP entity type definition to an LDAP repository configuration. This command can be used to add more values to multivalued parameters. If the property already exists then its value is replaced. If the property does not exist, the value is added. updateIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttr - Updates a dynamic member attribute configuration of an LDAP group configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttr - Updates a member attribute configuration of an LDAP group configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPRepository - Updates an LDAP repository configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPSearchResultCache - Updates the LDAP search result cache configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPServer - Updates an LDAP server configuration of the LDAP repository configuration. updateIdMgrRepository - Updates the configuration of the specified repository. To add multiple values to a multivalued parameter, call this command repeatedly. updateIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntry - Updates a base entry for the specified repository. JCAManagement - A group of administrative commands that helps to configure Java 2 Connector Architecture (J2C)-related resources. Commands: copyResourceAdapter - copy the specified J2C resource adapter to the specified scope. createJ2CActivationSpec - Create a J2C activation specification. createJ2CAdminObject - Create a J2C administrative object. createJ2CConnectionFactory - Create a J2C connection factory installResourceAdapter - Install a J2C resource adapter listAdminObjectInterfaces - List all of the defined administrative object interfaces on the specified J2C resource adapter. listConnectionFactoryInterfaces - List all of the defined connection factory interfaces on the specified J2C resource adapter. listJ2CActivationSpecs - List the J2C activation specifications that have a specified message listener type defined in the specified J2C resource adapter. listJ2CAdminObjects - List the J2C administrative objects that have a specified administrative object interface defined in the specified J2C resource adapter. listJ2CConnectionFactories - List J2C connection factories that have a specified connection factory interface defined in the specified J2C resource adapter. listMessageListenerTypes - List all of the defined message listener types on the specified J2C resource adapter. JDBCProviderManagement - A group of administrative commands that helps to configure Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)-related resources. Commands: createDatasource - Create a new datasource to access the backend data store. Application components use the datasource to access connection instances to your database; a connection pool is associated with each datasource. createJDBCProvider - Create a new JDBC provider that is used to connect with a relational database for data access. listDatasources - List the datasources that are contained in the specified scope. listJDBCProviders - List the JDBC providers that are contained in the specified scope. KeyManagerCommands - Commands to configure Key Managers. Commands: createKeyManager - Create a key manager. deleteKeyManager - Delete a key manager. getKeyManager - Get information about a key manager. listKeyManagers - List key managers within a give scope. modifyKeyManager - Modify a key manager. KeyReferenceCommands - Command to manage key references associated with key sets. WASX8007I: Detailed help for command group: KeyReferenceCommands Description: Command to manage key references associated with key sets. Commands: createKeyReference - Create a Key Reference for a keySet. deleteKeyReference - Delete an existing Key Reference from a keySet. getKeyReference - Get information about a Key Reference in a particular keySet. listKeyReferences - Lists key references for the keys in a keySet. KeySetCommands - Commands for managing key set groups. Commands: createKeySet - Create a Key Set. deleteKeySet - Delete a key set. generateKeyForKeySet - Generate all the keys in a KeySet. getKeySet - Get information about a key set. listKeySets - List key sets within a scope. modifyKeySet - Modify a Key Sets attributes. KeySetGroupCommands - Commands for configuring key set groups. Commands: createKeySetGroup - Create a key set group. deleteKeySetGroup - Delete a key set group. generateKeyForKeySetGroup - Generate new keys for all the keys within a keySet Group. getKeySetGroup - Get information about a key set group. listKeySetGroups - List key set groups within a scope. modifyKeySetGroup - Modify the a key set group. KeyStoreCommands - Commands that manage Key Stores. Commands: changeKeyStorePassword - Change the password of a key store. This will automatically save the new password to the configuration. changeMultipleKeyStorePasswords - Change all the passwords for the key stores that use the password provided. This will automatically save the new passwords to the configuration. createCMSKeyStore - Create a CMS KeyStore with password stash file. createKeyStore - Creates a new Key Store. deleteKeyStore - Deletes an existing Key Store. exchangeSigners - Exchange Signer Certificates getKeyStoreInfo - Returns information about a particular key store. listKeyFileAliases - List personal certificate aliases in a Key Store File listKeyStoreTypes - List the supported key store types. listKeyStores - List key store objects in a particular scope. ManagedObjectMetadata - Managed Object Metetadata Helper Commands Commands: compareNodeVersion - Compares the version of a given node with the specified version. Only the number of levels in the specified version number are compared. For example, if "6.0" compared to a node version of "", they will compare as equal. The possible return values are -1, 0, and 1. They are defined as follows: -1: node version is less than the specified version 0: node version is equal to the specified version 1: node version is greater than the specified version getMetadataProperties - Returns all managed object metadata properties for a given node. getMetadataProperty - Returns the specified managed object metadata property for agiven node. getNodeBaseProductVersion - Returns the base version for a node, for example, "". getNodeMajorVersion - Returns the major version for a node, for example, "6" for v6.0.0.0. getNodeMinorVersion - Returns the minor version for a node, for example, "0.0.0" for v6.0.0.0. getNodePlatformOS - Returns the operating system platform for a given node. getNodeSysplexName - Returns the operating system platform for a given node. This valueapplies only to nodes running on the z/OS operating system. isNodeZOS - Determines whether or not a given node is a z/OS node. ManagementScopeCommands - Commands for managing management scopes. Commands: createManagementScope - Create a management scope. deleteManagementScope - Delete an existing management scope. getManagementScope - Get information about a management scope. listManagementScopes - List all management scopes. NodeConfigCommands - Commands: changeHostName - NodeGroupCommands - a group of admin commands for the Node Group Administration Commands: addNodeGroupMember - add node to the node group canNodeJoinNodeGroup - No description available convertToSysplexNodeGroup - No description available createNodeGroup - create a node group createNodeGroupProperty - add a custom property for a node group createSysplexNodeGroup - create sysplex node group listNodeGroupProperties - list properties of a node group listNodeGroups - listNodeGroups listNodes - listNodes modifyNodeGroup - modify a node group configuration modifyNodeGroupProperty - modify the property of a node group removeNodeFromNodeGroups - No description available removeNodeGroup - remove a node group from the configuration. removeNodeGroupMember - remove a member from the node group. removeNodeGroupProperty - remove a property from a node group PersonalCertificateCommands - Commands to manage personal certificates. Commands: createSelfSignedCertificate - Create a new self-signed certificate and store it in a key store. deleteCertificate - Delete a personal certificate from a keyStore. exportCertificate - Export a certificate to another KeyStore. extractCertificate - xtract a signer certificate to a file. getCertificate - Get information about a personal certificate. importCertificate - port a Certificate from another keyStore to this KeyStore. listPersonalCertificates - The list of personal certificates in a given keyStore. receiveCertificate - Receive a certificate from a file. replaceCertificate - Replace a Certificate with a different certificate. PortManagement - A group of admin commands that help in managing WebSphere ports Commands: listApplicationPorts - Displays a list of ports that is used to access the specified application, including the node name, server name, named endpoint, and host and port values. listServerPorts - Displays a list of ports that is used by a particular server, including the node name, server name, named endpoint, and host and port values. modifyServerPort - Modifies the host or port of the named endpoint that is used by the specified server. ProfileCommands - Commands for applying security settings selected during install or profile creation time. Commands: addAdminIdToUserRegObj - AddAdminIdToUserRegObjCmdDesc applyProfileSecuritySettings - Applies the security settings selected during install or profile creation time. ProfileCreationCommands - ProfileCreationCmdGrpDesc Commands: prepareKeysForCellProfile - Prepare keys and keystores for Cell profile creation. prepareKeysForSingleProfile - Prepare keys and keystores for a profile creation. ProxyManagement - No description available Commands: createWebModuleProxyConfig - Create a proxy configuration for a web module deleteWebModuleProxyConfig - Delete proxy configuration for a web module ResourceManagement - Group of command that manages resources. Commands: setResourceProperty - This command sets the value of a specified property defined on a resource provider such as JDBCProvider or a connection factory such as DataSource or JMSConnectionFactory. If the property with specified key is defined already, then this command overrides the value. If none property with specified key is defined yet, then this command will add the property with specified key and value. showResourceProperties - This command list all the property values defined on a resource provider such as JDBCProvider or a connection factory such as DataSource or JMSConnectionFactory. SIBAdminBusSecurityCommands - A group of commands that help configure SIB security. Commands: addGroupToBusConnectorRole - Give a group permission to connect to the bus specified. addGroupToDefaultRole - Grants a group default access to all local destinations on the bus for the specified role. addGroupToDestinationRole - Grants a group access to a destination for the specified destination role. addGroupToForeignBusRole - Grants a group access to a foreign bus from the local bus specified for the specified destination role. addGroupToTopicRole - Gives a group permission to access the topic for the specified role. addGroupToTopicSpaceRootRole - Gives a group permission to access the topic space for the specified role. addUserToBusConnectorRole - Give a user permission to connect to the bus specified. addUserToDefaultRole - Grants a user default access to all local destinations on the bus for the specified role. addUserToDestinationRole - Grants a user access to a destination for the specified destination role. addUserToForeignBusRole - Grants a user access to a foreign bus from the local bus specified for the specified destination role. addUserToTopicRole - Gives a user permission to access the topic for the specified role. addUserToTopicSpaceRootRole - Gives a user permission to access the topic space for the specified role. isInheritDefaultsForDestination - The command will return "true" if the destination specified inherits the default security permissions. isInheritReceiverForTopic - Shows the inherit receiver defaults for a topic in a given topic space. Returns "true" if the topic inherits from receiver default values. isInheritSenderForTopic - Shows the inherit sender defaults for a topic for a specified topic space. Returns "true" if the topic inherits from sender default values. listAllDestinationsWithRoles - Lists all destinations which have roles defined on them. listAllForeignBusesWithRoles - Lists all foreign buses which have roles defined on them for the specified bus. listAllRolesForGroup - Lists all the roles defined for a specified group. listAllRolesForUser - Lists all the roles defined for a specified user. listAllTopicsWithRoles - Lists all the topics with roles defined for the specified topic space. listGroupsInBusConnectorRole - List the groups in the bus connector role listGroupsInDefaultRole - List the groups in the default role. listGroupsInDestinationRole - List the groups in the specified role in the destination security space role for the given destination. listGroupsInForeignBusRole - List the groups in the specified role in the foreign bus security space role for the given bus. listGroupsInTopicRole - Lists the groups in the specified topic role for the specified topic space. listGroupsInTopicSpaceRootRole - Lists the groups in the specified topic space role for the specified topic space. listInheritDefaultsForDestination - List inherit defaults for destination (deprecated - use isInheritDefaultsForDestination instead) listInheritReceiverForTopic - List Inherit Receiver For topic (deprecated - use isInheritReceiverForTopic instead) listInheritSenderForTopic - List Inherit Sender For topic (deprecated - use isInheritSenderForTopic instead) listUsersInBusConnectorRole - List the users in the Bus Connector Role listUsersInDefaultRole - List the users in a default role. listUsersInDestinationRole - List the users in the specified role in the destination security space role for the given destination. listUsersInForeignBusRole - List the users in the specified role in the foreign bus security space role for the given bus. listUsersInTopicRole - Lists the users in the specified topic role for the specified topic space. listUsersInTopicSpaceRootRole - Lists the users in the specified topic space role for the specified topic space. removeDefaultRoles - Remove all default roles removeDestinationRoles - Removes all destination roles defined for the specified destination in the specified bus. removeForeignBusRoles - Remove all foreign bus roles defined for the specified bus removeGroupFromAllRoles - Removes a group from all roles defined. removeGroupFromBusConnectorRole - Remove a group's permission to connect to the specified bus. removeGroupFromDefaultRole - Removes a group from the specified role in the default security space role. removeGroupFromDestinationRole - Removes a group from the specified destination role for the specified destination. removeGroupFromForeignBusRole - Removes a group from the specified foreign bus role for the bus specified removeGroupFromTopicRole - Removes a groups permission to access the topic for the specified role. removeGroupFromTopicSpaceRootRole - Removes a groups permission to access the topic space for the specified role. removeUserFromAllRoles - Removes a user from all roles defined. removeUserFromBusConnectorRole - Remove a user's permission to connect to the specified bus. removeUserFromDefaultRole - Removes a user from the specified role in the default security space role. removeUserFromDestinationRole - Removes a user from the specified destination role for the specified destination. removeUserFromForeignBusRole - Removes a user from the specified foreign bus role for the bus specified removeUserFromTopicRole - Removes a users permission to access the topic for the specified role. removeUserFromTopicSpaceRootRole - Removes a users permission to access the topic space for the specified role. setInheritDefaultsForDestination - Allows the override for inheritance for an individual destination. Setting the "inherit" value to true will allow the destination to inherit from the default values. setInheritReceiverForTopic - Allows the override for receiver inheritance for an individual topic on a specified topic space. Setting the "inherit" value to true will allow the topic to inherit from the default values. setInheritSenderForTopic - Allows the override for sender inheritance for an individual topic on a specified topic space. Setting the "inherit" value to true will allow the topic to inherit from the default values. SIBAdminCommands - A group of commands that help configure SIB queues and messaging engines. Commands: addSIBPermittedChain - Adds the specified chain to the list of permitted chains for the specified bus. addSIBusMember - Add a member to a bus. createSIBDestination - Create bus destination. createSIBEngine - Create a messaging engine. createSIBForeignBus - Create a SIB foreign bus. createSIBLink - Create a new SIB link. createSIBMQLink - Create a new WebSphere MQ link. createSIBMediation - Create a mediation. createSIBWMQServer - Create a new WebSphere MQ server. createSIBus - Create a bus. deleteSIBDestination - Delete bus destination. deleteSIBEngine - Delete the default engine or named engine from the target bus. deleteSIBForeignBus - Delete a SIB foreign bus. deleteSIBLink - Delete a SIB link. deleteSIBMQLink - Delete an WebSphere MQ link. deleteSIBMediation - Delete a mediation. deleteSIBWMQServer - Delete a named WebSphere MQ server. Also, delete its membership of any buses, and cleanup all associated configuration. deleteSIBus - Delete a named bus, including everything on it. listSIBDestinations - List destinations belonging to a bus. listSIBEngines - List messaging engines. listSIBForeignBuses - List the SIB foreign buses. listSIBLinks - List the SIB links. listSIBMQLinks - List the WebSphere MQ links. listSIBMediations - List the mediations on a bus. listSIBPermittedChains - Lists the permitted chains for the specified bus. listSIBWMQServerBusMembers - List all WebSphere MQ servers. listSIBWMQServers - List all WebSphere MQ servers. listSIBusMembers - List the members on a bus. listSIBuses - List all buses in the cell. mediateSIBDestination - Mediate a destination. modifySIBDestination - Modify bus destination. modifySIBEngine - Modify a messaging engine. modifySIBForeignBus - Modify a SIB foreign bus. modifySIBLink - Modify an existing SIB link. modifySIBMQLink - Modify an existing WebSphere MQ link. modifySIBMediation - Modify a mediation. modifySIBWMQServer - Modify a named WebSphere MQ server's attributes. modifySIBWMQServerBusMember - Modify a named WebSphere MQ server bus member. modifySIBus - Modify a bus. removeSIBPermittedChain - Removes the specified chain from the list of permitted chains for the specified bus. removeSIBusMember - Remove a member from a bus. showSIBDestination - Show a bus destination's attributes. showSIBEngine - Show a messaging engine's attributes. showSIBForeignBus - Show detail for a SIB foreign bus. showSIBLink - Show detail for a SIB link. showSIBMQLink - Show detail for a WebSphere MQ link. showSIBMediation - Show the attributes of a mediation. showSIBWMQServer - Display a named WebSphere MQ server's attributes. showSIBWMQServerBusMember - List all WebSphere MQ server bus members. showSIBus - Show the attributes of a bus. showSIBusMember - Show a member from a bus. unmediateSIBDestination - Mediate a destination. SIBJMSAdminCommands - A group of commands that help configure SIB JMS connection factories, queues and topics. Commands: createSIBJMSActivationSpec - Create an activation specification in the SIB JMS resource adapter. createSIBJMSConnectionFactory - Create a SIB JMS connection factory at the scope identified by the target object. createSIBJMSQueue - Create a SIB JMS queue at the scope identified by the target object. createSIBJMSTopic - Create a SIB JMS topic at the scope identified by the target object. deleteSIBJMSActivationSpec - Delete given SIB JMS activation specification. deleteSIBJMSConnectionFactory - Delete the supplied SIB JMS connection factory. deleteSIBJMSQueue - Delete the supplied SIB JMS queue. deleteSIBJMSTopic - Delete the supplied SIB JMS topic. listSIBJMSActivationSpecs - List activation specifications on the SIB JMS resource adapter in given scope. listSIBJMSConnectionFactories - List all SIB JMS connection factories of the specified type at the specified scope. listSIBJMSQueues - List all SIB JMS queues at the specified scope. listSIBJMSTopics - List all SIB JMS topics at the specified scope. modifySIBJMSActivationSpec - Modify the attributes of the given SIB JMS activation specification. modifySIBJMSConnectionFactory - Modify the attributes of the supplied SIB JMS connection factory using the supplied attribute values. modifySIBJMSQueue - Modify the attributes of the supplied SIB JMS queue using the supplied attribute values. modifySIBJMSTopic - Modify the attributes of the supplied SIB JMS topic using the supplied attribute values. showSIBJMSActivationSpec - Show the attributes of target SIB JMS activation specification. showSIBJMSConnectionFactory - Return a list containing the SIB JMS connection factory's attribute names and values. showSIBJMSQueue - Return a list containing the SIB JMS queue's attribute names and values. showSIBJMSTopic - Return a list containing the SIB JMS topic's attribute names and values. SIBWebServices - A group of commands to configure service integration bus Web services. Commands: addSIBWSInboundPort - Add an inbound port to an inbound service. addSIBWSOutboundPort - Add an outbound port to an outbound service. connectSIBWSEndpointListener - Connect an endpoint listener to a service integration bus. createSIBWSEndpointListener - Create an endpoint listener. createSIBWSInboundService - Create an inbound service. createSIBWSOutboundService - Create an outbound service. deleteSIBWSEndpointListener - Delete an endpoint listener. deleteSIBWSInboundService - Delete an inbound service. deleteSIBWSOutboundService - Delete an outbound service. disconnectSIBWSEndpointListener - Disconnect an endpoint listener from a service integration bus. publishSIBWSInboundService - Publish an inbound service to a UDDI registry. refreshSIBWSInboundServiceWSDL - Refresh the WSDL definition for an inbound service. refreshSIBWSOutboundServiceWSDL - Refresh the WSDL definition for an outbound service. removeSIBWSInboundPort - Remove an inbound port. removeSIBWSOutboundPort - Remove an outbound port. setDefaultSIBWSOutboundPort - Set the default outbound port for an outbound service. unpublishSIBWSInboundService - Unpublish an inbound service from a UDDI registry. SSLConfigCommands - Commands to manage SSL configurations. Commands: createSSLConfig - Create a SSL Configuration. createSSLConfigProperty - Create a SSLConfig Property. deleteSSLConfig - Delete an existing SSL configuration. deleteSSLConfigProperty - Delete a SSLConfig Property. getInheritedSSLConfig - Returns a string containing the alias of the SSL Configuration and the certificate alias for the specified scope. getSSLConfig - Get information about a particular SSL configuration. getSSLConfigProperties - Get SSL Configuration Properties listSSLCiphers - List of ciphers. listSSLConfigProperties - List the properties for a given SSL configuration. listSSLConfigs - List SSL configuartions for a specific management scope. modifySSLConfig - Modify a SSL configuration. SSLConfigGroupCommands - Commands for configuring SSL Configuration groups. Commands: createSSLConfigGroup - Create a SSL Configuration Group. deleteSSLConfigGroup - Delete a SSLConfig group. getSSLConfigGroup - Get information about a SSL configuration group. listSSLConfigGroups - List all SSL configuartion groups. modifySSLConfigGroup - Modify a SSL configuration group. ServerManagement - A group of command that configure servers Commands: changeClusterShortName - A command that can be used to change the cluster's short name. changeServerGenericShortName - A command that can be used to change the server generic short name. changeServerSpecificShortName - A command that can be used to change the server specific short name. createApplicationServer - Command that creates a server createApplicationServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration createGenericServer - Command that creates a server createGenericServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration createProxyServer - Command that creates a server createProxyServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration createWebServer - Command that creates a server createWebServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration deleteServer - Delete a server configuration deleteServerTemplate - A command that Deletes a Server Template deleteWebServer - Delete a server configuration getDmgrProperties - Returns the properties of the deployment manager getJVMMode - Get the current JVM mode. The command will return either 31bit or 64bit. getJavaHome - getJavaHome getServerType - returns the server type of the specified server. isFederated - Check if the system is a single server or network deployment listServerTemplates - Lists the available Server Templates listServerTypes - Lists the available serverTypes given a Node object. listServers - list servers of specified server type and node name. If node name is not specified, whole cell will be searched. If the server type is not specified servers of all types are returned. setGenericJVMArguments - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Generic JVM Arguments Size setJVMDebugMode - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Debug Mode setJVMInitialHeapSize - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Initial Heap Size setJVMMaxHeapSize - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Maximum Heap Size setJVMMode - Set the JVM mode to either 64 or 31 bit. If 64-bit is set, the JAVA_HOME will be set to $WAS_HOME/java64. The default jvm mode is 31 bit. setJVMProperties - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) configuration for the application server. setJVMSystemProperties - set Java virtual machine (JVM) system property for the application server's process. setProcessDefinition - Set the process definition of an application server. setServerInstance - Set Server Instance configuration. This command only applies to the z/OS platform. setTraceSpecification - Set the trace specification for the server. If the server is running new trace specification takes effect immediately. This command also saves the trace specification in configuration. showJVMProperties - List Java virtual machine (JVM) configuration for the application server's process. showJVMSystemProperties - Show Java virtual machine (JVM) system properties for the application server.'s process. showProcessDefinition - Show the process definition of the server showServerInfo - show detailed information of a specified server. showServerInstance - Show Server Instance configuration. This command only applies to the z/OS platform. showServerTypeInfo - Show server type information. showTemplateInfo - A command that displays all the Metadata about a given template. SignerCertificateCommands - Commands that manage signer certificates. Commands: addSignerCertificate - Add a signer certificates from a certificate file to a keyStore. deleteSignerCertificate - Delete a signer certificate from a keyStore. extractSignerCertificate - Extract a signer certificate from a keyStore. getSignerCertificate - Get information about a signer Certificate. listSignerCertificates - The list of signer certificates in a keyStore. retrieveSignerFromPort - Retrieve a signer certificate from a port and add it to the KeyStore. retrieveSignerInfoFromPort - Retrieve signer information from a port. SpnegoTAICommands - Commands for configuring Spnego TAI. Commands: addSpnegoTAIProperties - This command adds SPNEGO TAI properties in the security configuration. createKrbConfigFile - This command creates a Kerberos configuration file (krb5.ini or krb5.conf). deleteSpnegoTAIProperties - This command removes SPNEGO TAI properties from the security configuration. If an spnId is not specified, all the SPNEGO TAI properties are removed. modifySpnegoTAIProperties - This command modifies SPNEGO TAI properties in the security configuration. showSpnegoTAIProperties - This command displays the SPNEGO TAI properties in the security configuration. If an spnId is not specified, all the SPNEGO TAI properties are displayed. TAMConfig - This group contains commands for configuring embedded Tivoli Access Manager. Commands: configureTAM - This command configures embedded Tivoli Access Manager on the WebSphere Application Server node or nodes specified. listTAMSettings - This command lists the current embedded Tivoli Access Manager configuration settings. reconfigureTAM - This command configures embedded Tivoli Access Manager on the WebSphere Application Server node or nodes specified. unconfigureTAM - This command unconfigures embedded Tivoli Access Manager on the WebSphere Application Server node or nodes specified. null - No description available No help available for null command group TrustManagerCommands - Commands to configure Trust Managers. Commands: createTrustManager - Create a trust Manager. deleteTrustManager - Delete a trust manager. getTrustManager - Get information about a trust manager. listTrustManagers - List trust managers. modifyTrustManager - Modify a trust manger. UnmanagedNodeCommands - Use these commands to configure unmanaged nodes. Commands: createUnmanagedNode - Use this command to create an unmanaged node in a cell. listManagedNodes - Use this command to list all managed nodes in the cell. listUnmanagedNodes - Use this command to list all unmanaged nodes in the cell. removeUnmanagedNode - Use this command to remove an unmanaged node from a cell. Utility - Frequently used commands to compose automation scripts Commands: getDmgrProperties - Returns the properties of the deployment manager isFederated - Check if the system is a single server or network deployment VariableConfiguration - Commands for viewing and modifying variable values Commands: removeVariable - Remove a variable definition from the system. A variable is a configuration property that can be used to provide a parameter for some values in the system. setVariable - Set the value for a variable. A variable is a configuration property that can be used to provide a parameter for some values in the system. showVariables - List variable values under a scope. WIMManagementCommands - Provides support for varying user and group management tasks. Commands: addMemberToGroup - Adds a member (user or group) to a group. createGroup - Creates a group in the default realm. createUser - Creates a PersonAccount in the default realm. deleteGroup - Deletes a group from the default realm. deleteUser - Deletes a PersonAccount from the default realm. duplicateMembershipOfGroup - Makes a group a member of the same groups as another group. duplicateMembershipOfUser - Makes a user a member of the same groups as another user. getGroup - Retrieves the attributes of a group. getMembersOfGroup - Retrieves the members of a group. getMembershipOfGroup - Retrieves the groups in which a group is a member. getMembershipOfUser - Get the groups in which a PersonAccount is a member. getUser - Retrieves the attributes of a PersonAccount. removeMemberFromGroup - Removes a member (user or group) from a group. searchGroups - Searches groups. searchUsers - Searches PersonAccounts. updateGroup - Updates the attributes of a group. updateUser - Updates the attributes of a user. WMMMigration - Commands to migrate WMM (WebSphere Member Manager) configuration and data to virtual member manager. Commands: WSCertExpMonitorCommands - Commands for managing the Certificate Expiration Monitor. Commands: createWSCertExpMonitor - Create a certificate expiration monitor. deleteWSCertExpMonitor - Specifies the certificate expiration monitor name. getWSCertExpMonitor - Get information about a certificate expiration monitor. listWSCertExpMonitor - List all certificate expiration monitors. modifyWSCertExpMonitor - Modify a certificate expiration monitor. startCertificateExpMonitor - Start the Certificate Expiration Monitor. WSGateway - A group of commands to configure Web services gateway. Commands: addWSGWTargetService - Add an additional target service to a gateway service. createWSGWGatewayService - Create a gateway service. createWSGWProxyService - Create a proxy service. deleteWSGWGatewayService - Delete a gateway service. deleteWSGWInstance - Delete a gateway instance. deleteWSGWProxyService - Delete a proxy service. removeWSGWTargetService - Remove a target service from a gateway service. WSNotificationCommands - WS-Notification admin commands WASX8007I: Detailed help for command group: WSNotificationCommands Commands: createWSNAdministeredSubscriber - Add an administered subscriber to a WS-Notification service point createWSNService - Create a WS-Notification service createWSNServicePoint - Create a WS-Notification service point createWSNTopicDocument - Add an instance document to a WS-Notification topic namespace createWSNTopicNamespace - Create a WS-Notification topic namespace deleteWSNAdministeredSubscriber - Remove an administered subscriber from a WS-Notification service point deleteWSNService - Delete a WS-Notification service deleteWSNServicePoint - Delete a WS-Notification service point deleteWSNTopicDocument - Remove an instance document from a WS-Notification topic namespace deleteWSNTopicNamespace - Delete a WS-Notification topic namespace getWSN_SIBWSInboundPort - Retrieve one of the service integration bus inbound ports from a WS-Notification servce point. getWSN_SIBWSInboundService - Retrieve one of the service integration bus inbound services from a WS-Notification servce listWSNAdministeredSubscribers - Lists all the WSNAdministeredSubscriber objects in the configuration of the target WSNServicePoint that match the specified input parameters. listWSNServicePoints - Lists all the WSNServicePoint objects in the configuration of the target WSNService that match the specified input parameters. listWSNServices - Lists all the WSNService objects in the configuration that match the specified input parameters. listWSNTopicDocuments - Lists all the WSNTopicDocument objects in the configuration of the target WSNTopicNamespace that match the specified input parameters. listWSNTopicNamespaces - Lists all the WSNTopicNamespace objects in the configuration of the target WSNService that match the specified input parameters. showWSNAdministeredSubscriber - Show the properties of a WSNAdministeredSubscriber object in a human readable form. showWSNService - Show the properties of a WSNService object in a human readable form. showWSNServicePoint - Show the properties of a WSNServicePoint object in a human readable form. showWSNTopicDocument - Show the properties of a WSNTopicDocument in a human readable form. showWSNTopicNamespace - Show the properties of a WSNTopicNamespace object in a human readable form. WSNotifierCommands - Commands for managing Notifiers. Commands: createWSNotifier - Create a notifier. deleteWSNotifier - Delete an existing notifier. getWSNotifier - Get information about a notifier. listWSNotifiers - List all notifiers. modifyWSNotifier - Modify a notifier. WSScheduleCommands - Commands for managing WS Schedule. Commands: createWSSchedule - Create a schedule. deleteWSSchedule - Delete an existing schedule. getWSSchedule - Get schedule information. listWSSchedules - List all schedules. modifyWSSchedule - Modify a schedule. WizardCommands - Commands for navigating and applying Security Wizard changes. Commands: WIMCheckPassword - Validates the user/pasword in the WIM user registry addToAdminAuthz - Adds the input administrative user to admin-authz.xml. applyWizardSettings - Applies current Security Wizard settings from the workspace. getCurrentWizardSettings - Gets current security wizard settings from the workspace. isAdminLockedOut - Checks to make sure that at least one admin user in the admin-authz.xml file exists in the input user registry. isAppSecurityEnabled - Returns the current Application Security setting of true or false. isGlobalSecurityEnabled - Returns the current administrative security setting of true or false. setGlobalSecurity - The administrative security field in the security.xml file is updated based on the user input of true or false. setUseRegistryServerId - The useRegistryServerId security field in userRegistry object in the security.xml file is updated based on the user input of true or false. validateAdminName - Validates the existence of the administrator name in the input user registry. validateLDAPConnection - Validate connection to the specified LDAP server. The following commands are not part of any command group Commands: WIMCheckPassword - Validates the user/pasword in the WIM user registry addAdminIdToUserRegObj - AddAdminIdToUserRegObjCmdDesc addGroupToBusConnectorRole - Give a group permission to connect to the bus specified. addGroupToDefaultRole - Grants a group default access to all local destinations on the bus for the specified role. addGroupToDestinationRole - Grants a group access to a destination for the specified destination role. addGroupToForeignBusRole - Grants a group access to a foreign bus from the local bus specified for the specified destination role. addGroupToTopicRole - Gives a group permission to access the topic for the specified role. addGroupToTopicSpaceRootRole - Gives a group permission to access the topic space for the specified role. addIdMgrLDAPBackupServer - Sets up a backup LDAP server. addIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Adds an LDAP entity type definition to the LDAP repository configuration. addIdMgrLDAPEntityTypeRDNAttr - Adds RDN attribute configuration to an LDAP entity type configuration. addIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttr - Adds a dynamic member attribute configuration to an LDAP group configuration. addIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttr - Adds a member attribute configuration to the LDAP group configuration. addIdMgrLDAPServer - Adds an LDAP server to the LDAP repository configuration. addIdMgrRealmBaseEntry - Adds a base entry to a specified realm configuration. addIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntry - Adds a base entry to the specified repository. addMemberToGroup - Adds a member (user or group) to a group. addNodeGroupMember - add node to the node group addResourceToAuthorizationGroup - Add resources to an existing authorization group. addSIBPermittedChain - Adds the specified chain to the list of permitted chains for the specified bus. addSIBWSInboundPort - Add an inbound port to an inbound service. addSIBWSOutboundPort - Add an outbound port to an outbound service. addSIBusMember - Add a member to a bus. addSignerCertificate - Add a signer certificates from a certificate file to a keyStore. addSpnegoTAIProperties - This command adds SPNEGO TAI properties in the security configuration. addToAdminAuthz - Adds the input administrative user to admin-authz.xml. addUserToBusConnectorRole - Give a user permission to connect to the bus specified. addUserToDefaultRole - Grants a user default access to all local destinations on the bus for the specified role. addUserToDestinationRole - Grants a user access to a destination for the specified destination role. addUserToForeignBusRole - Grants a user access to a foreign bus from the local bus specified for the specified destination role. addUserToTopicRole - Gives a user permission to access the topic for the specified role. addUserToTopicSpaceRootRole - Gives a user permission to access the topic space for the specified role. addWSGWTargetService - Add an additional target service to a gateway service. applyProfileSecuritySettings - Applies the security settings selected during install or profile creation time. applyWizardSettings - Applies current Security Wizard settings from the workspace. autogenLTPA - Auto-generates an LTPA password and updates the LTPA object in the security.xml. autogenServerId - Auto-generates a server Id and updates the internalServerId field in the security.xml. canNodeJoinNodeGroup - No description available changeClusterShortName - A command that can be used to change the cluster's short name. changeFileRegistryAccountPassword - Change the password of an account in the file registry. changeHostName - changeKeyStorePassword - Change the password of a key store. This will automatically save the new password to the configuration. changeMultipleKeyStorePasswords - Change all the passwords for the key stores that use the password provided. This will automatically save the new passwords to the configuration. changeServerGenericShortName - A command that can be used to change the server generic short name. changeServerSpecificShortName - A command that can be used to change the server specific short name. compareNodeVersion - Compares the version of a given node with the specified version. Only the number of levels in the specified version number are compared. For example, if "6.0" compared to a node version of "", they will compare as equal. The possible return values are -1, 0, and 1. They are defined as follows: -1: node version is less than the specified version 0: node version is equal to the specified version 1: node version is greater than the specified version configEventServiceDB2DB - The configEventServiceDB2DB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 on a server or cluster. configEventServiceDB2ZOSDB - The configEventServiceDB2ZOSDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 z/OS on a server or cluster. configEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB - The configEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB command generates the DDL database scripts, creates the Event Service database for DB2 iSeries on the native platform and creates data sources on a server or cluster. configEventServiceDerbyDB - The configEventServiceDerbyDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for Derby on a server or cluster. configEventServiceInformixDB - The configEventServiceInformixDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for Informix on a server or cluster. configEventServiceOracleDB - The configEventServiceOracleDB command creates the Event Service tables and data sources for Oracle on a server or cluster. The command does not create the database; the Oracle SID must already created. configEventServiceSQLServerDB - The configEventServiceSQLServerDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for SQL Server on a server or cluster. configEventServiceSybaseDB - The configEventServiceSybaseDB command creates the Event Service database and data sources for Sybase on a server or cluster. configureTAM - This command configures embedded Tivoli Access Manager on the WebSphere Application Server node or nodes specified. connectSIBWSEndpointListener - Connect an endpoint listener to a service integration bus. convertToSysplexNodeGroup - No description available copyResourceAdapter - copy the specified J2C resource adapter to the specified scope. createApplicationServer - Command that creates a server createApplicationServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration createAuthorizationGroup - Create a new authorization group. createCMSKeyStore - Create a CMS KeyStore with password stash file. createCertificateRequest - Create Certificate Request createChain - Create a new chain of transport channels based on a chain template. createCluster - Creates a new application server cluster. createClusterMember - Creates a new member of an application server cluster. createCoreGroup - Create a new core group createCoreGroupAccessPoint - This command creates a default core group access point for the specified core group and adds it to the default access point group. createDatasource - Create a new datasource to access the backend data store. Application components use the datasource to access connection instances to your database; a connection pool is associated with each datasource. createDescriptiveProp - Create a descriptive property under an object. createDynamicSSLConfigSelection - Create a Dynamic SSL configuration Selection. createGenericServer - Command that creates a server createGenericServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration createGroup - Creates a group in the default realm. createIdMgrDBRepository - Creates a database repository configuration. createIdMgrFileRepository - Creates a file repository configuration. createIdMgrLDAPRepository - Creates an LDAP repository configuration object. createIdMgrRealm - Creates a realm configuration. createIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Creates a supported entity type configuration. createJ2CActivationSpec - Create a J2C activation specification. createJ2CAdminObject - Create a J2C administrative object. createJ2CConnectionFactory - Create a J2C connection factory createJDBCProvider - Create a new JDBC provider that is used to connect with a relational database for data access. createKeyManager - Create a key manager. createKeyReference - Create a Key Reference for a keySet. createKeySet - Create a Key Set. createKeySetGroup - Create a key set group. createKeyStore - Creates a new Key Store. createKrbConfigFile - This command creates a Kerberos configuration file (krb5.ini or krb5.conf). createManagementScope - Create a management scope. createNodeGroup - create a node group createNodeGroupProperty - add a custom property for a node group createProxyServer - Command that creates a server createProxyServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration createSIBDestination - Create bus destination. createSIBEngine - Create a messaging engine. createSIBForeignBus - Create a SIB foreign bus. createSIBJMSActivationSpec - Create an activation specification in the SIB JMS resource adapter. createSIBJMSConnectionFactory - Create a SIB JMS connection factory at the scope identified by the target object. createSIBJMSQueue - Create a SIB JMS queue at the scope identified by the target object. createSIBJMSTopic - Create a SIB JMS topic at the scope identified by the target object. createSIBLink - Create a new SIB link. createSIBMQLink - Create a new WebSphere MQ link. createSIBMediation - Create a mediation. createSIBWMQServer - Create a new WebSphere MQ server. createSIBWSEndpointListener - Create an endpoint listener. createSIBWSInboundService - Create an inbound service. createSIBWSOutboundService - Create an outbound service. createSIBus - Create a bus. createSSLConfig - Create a SSL Configuration. createSSLConfigGroup - Create a SSL Configuration Group. createSSLConfigProperty - Create a SSLConfig Property. createSelfSignedCertificate - Create a new self-signed certificate and store it in a key store. createServerType - Create a new Server Type ie (APPLICATION_SERVER) createSysplexNodeGroup - create sysplex node group createTCPEndPoint - Create a new NamedEndPoint that can be associated with a TCPInboundChannel createTrustManager - Create a trust Manager. createUDPEndPoint - Create a new NamedEndPoint endpoint to associate with a UDPInboundChannel createUnmanagedNode - Use this command to create an unmanaged node in a cell. createUser - Creates a PersonAccount in the default realm. createWSCertExpMonitor - Create a certificate expiration monitor. createWSGWGatewayService - Create a gateway service. createWSGWProxyService - Create a proxy service. createWSNAdministeredSubscriber - Add an administered subscriber to a WS-Notification service point createWSNService - Create a WS-Notification service createWSNServicePoint - Create a WS-Notification service point createWSNTopicDocument - Add an instance document to a WS-Notification topic namespace createWSNTopicNamespace - Create a WS-Notification topic namespace createWSNotifier - Create a notifier. createWSSchedule - Create a schedule. createWebModuleProxyConfig - Create a proxy configuration for a web module createWebServer - Command that creates a server createWebServerByHostName - Create Web server definition using hostname. createWebServerTemplate - creates a server Template based on a server configuration deleteAuthorizationGroup - Delete an existing authorization group deleteCertificate - Delete a personal certificate from a keyStore. deleteCertificateRequest - Delete an existing Certificate request from a key store. deleteChain - Delete an existing chain and, optionally, the transport channels in the chain. deleteCluster - Delete the configuration of an application server cluster. deleteClusterMember - Deletes a member from an application server cluster. deleteCoreGroup - Delete an existing core group. The core group must contain no servers. deleteCoreGroupAccessPoints - Delete all the core group access points associated with a specified core group. deleteDescriptiveProp - Delete a descriptive property under an object. deleteDynamicSSLConfigSelection - Delete an existing Dynamic SSL configuration Selection. deleteGroup - Deletes a group from the default realm. deleteIdMgrDBTables - Deletes the tables of the database in virtual member manager. deleteIdMgrEntryMappingRepositoryTables - Deletes the tables of the entry mapping database in virtual member manager. deleteIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Deletes a LDAP entity type configuration data for a specified entity type for a specific LDAP repository. deleteIdMgrLDAPEntityTypeRDNAttr - Deletes RDN attribute configuration from an LDAP entity type configuration. deleteIdMgrLDAPGroupConfig - Deletes the entire LDAP group configuration. deleteIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttr - Deletes the dynamic member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration. deleteIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttr - Deletes the member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration. deleteIdMgrLDAPServer - Deletes the primary LDAP server and configured backup servers. deleteIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepositoryTables - Deletes the tables of the property extension database in virtual member manager. deleteIdMgrRealm - Deletes the specified realm configuration. deleteIdMgrRealmBaseEntry - Deletes a base entry from a specified realm configuration. deleteIdMgrRepository - Deletes the configuration of the specified repository. deleteIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntry - Deletes a base entry from the specified repository. deleteIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Deletes a supported entity type configuration. deleteKeyManager - Delete a key manager. deleteKeyReference - Delete an existing Key Reference from a keySet. deleteKeySet - Delete a key set. deleteKeySetGroup - Delete a key set group. deleteKeyStore - Deletes an existing Key Store. deleteManagementScope - Delete an existing management scope. deleteSIBDestination - Delete bus destination. deleteSIBEngine - Delete the default engine or named engine from the target bus. deleteSIBForeignBus - Delete a SIB foreign bus. deleteSIBJMSActivationSpec - Delete given SIB JMS activation specification. deleteSIBJMSConnectionFactory - Delete the supplied SIB JMS connection factory. deleteSIBJMSQueue - Delete the supplied SIB JMS queue. deleteSIBJMSTopic - Delete the supplied SIB JMS topic. deleteSIBLink - Delete a SIB link. deleteSIBMQLink - Delete an WebSphere MQ link. deleteSIBMediation - Delete a mediation. deleteSIBWMQServer - Delete a named WebSphere MQ server. Also, delete its membership of any buses, and cleanup all associated configuration. deleteSIBWSEndpointListener - Delete an endpoint listener. deleteSIBWSInboundService - Delete an inbound service. deleteSIBWSOutboundService - Delete an outbound service. deleteSIBus - Delete a named bus, including everything on it. deleteSSLConfig - Delete an existing SSL configuration. deleteSSLConfigGroup - Delete a SSLConfig group. deleteSSLConfigProperty - Delete a SSLConfig Property. deleteServer - Delete a server configuration deleteServerTemplate - A command that Deletes a Server Template deleteSignerCertificate - Delete a signer certificate from a keyStore. deleteSpnegoTAIProperties - This command removes SPNEGO TAI properties from the security configuration. If an spnId is not specified, all the SPNEGO TAI properties are removed. deleteTrustManager - Delete a trust manager. deleteUser - Deletes a PersonAccount from the default realm. deleteWSCertExpMonitor - Specifies the certificate expiration monitor name. deleteWSGWGatewayService - Delete a gateway service. deleteWSGWInstance - Delete a gateway instance. deleteWSGWProxyService - Delete a proxy service. deleteWSNAdministeredSubscriber - Remove an administered subscriber from a WS-Notification service point deleteWSNService - Delete a WS-Notification service deleteWSNServicePoint - Delete a WS-Notification service point deleteWSNTopicDocument - Remove an instance document from a WS-Notification topic namespace deleteWSNTopicNamespace - Delete a WS-Notification topic namespace deleteWSNotifier - Delete an existing notifier. deleteWSSchedule - Delete an existing schedule. deleteWebModuleProxyConfig - Delete proxy configuration for a web module deleteWebServer - Delete a server configuration deployEventService - The deployEventService command deploys and configures the event service on a server or cluster. deployEventServiceMdb - The deployEventServiceMdb command deploys the event service MDB to a server or cluster. disableEventService - The disableEventService command disables the event service from starting after the next restart of the WebSphere server(s) designated by the nodeName, serverName or clusterName parameters. disableServerPort - Disable all the transport chains associated with an endpoint on a server. Returns a list of all the disabled transport chains on successful execution of the command. disconnectSIBWSEndpointListener - Disconnect an endpoint listener from a service integration bus. doesCoreGroupExist - Check to see if a core group exists. duplicateMembershipOfGroup - Makes a group a member of the same groups as another group. duplicateMembershipOfUser - Makes a user a member of the same groups as another user. enableEventService - The enableEventService command enables the event service to be started after the next restart of the WebSphere server(s) designated by the nodeName, serverName or clusterName parameters. exchangeSigners - Exchange Signer Certificates exportCertificate - Export a certificate to another KeyStore. exportServer - export the configuration of a server to a config archive. exportWasprofile - export the configuration of a wsprofile to a config archive. In 6.0 we only supports single server wsprofile. extractCertificate - xtract a signer certificate to a file. extractCertificateRequest - Extract a certificate request to a file. extractSignerCertificate - Extract a signer certificate from a keyStore. generateKeyForKeySet - Generate all the keys in a KeySet. generateKeyForKeySetGroup - Generate new keys for all the keys within a keySet Group. generateSecConfigReport - Generate the Security Configuration report. getAllCoreGroupNames - Get the names of all core groups getCertificate - Get information about a personal certificate. getCertificateRequest - Get information about a certificate request getCoreGroupNameForServer - Get the name of the core group the server is a member of. getCurrentWizardSettings - Gets current security wizard settings from the workspace. getDefaultCoreGroupName - Get the name of the default core group getDescriptiveProp - Get information about a descriptive property under an object. getDmgrProperties - Returns the properties of the deployment manager getDynamicSSLConfigSelection - Get information about a Dynamic SSL configuration Selection. getGroup - Retrieves the attributes of a group. getIdMgrDefaultRealm - Returns the name of the default realm. getIdMgrLDAPAttrCache - Returns the LDAP attribute cache configuration. getIdMgrLDAPContextPool - Returns LDAP context pool configuration. getIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Returns the LDAP entity type configuration data for the specified entity type in the LDAP repository. getIdMgrLDAPEntityTypeRDNAttr - Returns the RDN attributes configuration of an LDAP entity type configuration. getIdMgrLDAPGroupConfig - Returns the LDAP group configuration parameters. getIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttrs - Returns the dynamic member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration. getIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttrs - Returns the member attribute configuration from the LDAP group configuration. getIdMgrLDAPSearchResultCache - Returns the LDAP search result cache configuration. getIdMgrLDAPServer - Returns all the configured LDAP servers and their configurations. getIdMgrRealm - Returns the specified realm configuration. getIdMgrRepositoriesForRealm - Returns repository specific details for the repositories configuration for the specified realm. getIdMgrRepository - Returns the configuration of the specified repository. getIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Returns the configuration of the specified supported entity type. getInheritedSSLConfig - Returns a string containing the alias of the SSL Configuration and the certificate alias for the specified scope. getJVMMode - Get the current JVM mode. The command will return either 31bit or 64bit. getJavaHome - getJavaHome getKeyManager - Get information about a key manager. getKeyReference - Get information about a Key Reference in a particular keySet. getKeySet - Get information about a key set. getKeySetGroup - Get information about a key set group. getKeyStoreInfo - Returns information about a particular key store. getManagementScope - Get information about a management scope. getMembersOfGroup - Retrieves the members of a group. getMembershipOfGroup - Retrieves the groups in which a group is a member. getMembershipOfUser - Get the groups in which a PersonAccount is a member. getMetadataProperties - Returns all managed object metadata properties for a given node. getMetadataProperty - Returns the specified managed object metadata property for agiven node. getNamedTCPEndPoint - Returns the port associated with the specified bridge interface. This is the port specified on the TCP inbound channel of transport channel chain for the specified bridge interface. getNodeBaseProductVersion - Returns the base version for a node, for example, "". getNodeMajorVersion - Returns the major version for a node, for example, "6" for v6.0.0.0. getNodeMinorVersion - Returns the minor version for a node, for example, "0.0.0" for v6.0.0.0. getNodePlatformOS - Returns the operating system platform for a given node. getNodeSysplexName - Returns the operating system platform for a given node. This valueapplies only to nodes running on the z/OS operating system. getSSLConfig - Get information about a particular SSL configuration. getSSLConfigGroup - Get information about a SSL configuration group. getSSLConfigProperties - Get SSL Configuration Properties getServerType - returns the server type of the specified server. getSignerCertificate - Get information about a signer Certificate. getTCPEndPoint - Get the NamedEndPoint associated with either a TCPInboundChannel, or a chain that contains a TCPInboundChannel getTrustManager - Get information about a trust manager. getUDPEndPoint - Get the NamedEndPoint endpoint that is associated with either a UDPInboundChannel, or a chain that contains a UDPInboundChannel getUser - Retrieves the attributes of a PersonAccount. getWSCertExpMonitor - Get information about a certificate expiration monitor. getWSN_SIBWSInboundPort - Retrieve one of the service integration bus inbound ports from a WS-Notification servce point. getWSN_SIBWSInboundService - Retrieve one of the service integration bus inbound services from a WS-Notification servce getWSNotifier - Get information about a notifier. getWSSchedule - Get schedule information. importCertificate - port a Certificate from another keyStore to this KeyStore. importServer - Import a server configuration from a configuration archive. This command creates a new server based on the server configuration defined in the archive. importWasprofile - Import the configuration of a wasprofile profile from a configuration archive. This command overwrites the configuration of the current wasprofile configuration. In V6.0, this command supports the single-server wasprofile profile only. installResourceAdapter - Install a J2C resource adapter isAdminLockedOut - Checks to make sure that at least one admin user in the admin-authz.xml file exists in the input user registry. isAppSecurityEnabled - Returns the current Application Security setting of true or false. isFederated - Check if the system is a single server or network deployment isGlobalSecurityEnabled - Returns the current administrative security setting of true or false. isInheritDefaultsForDestination - The command will return "true" if the destination specified inherits the default security permissions. isInheritReceiverForTopic - Shows the inherit receiver defaults for a topic in a given topic space. Returns "true" if the topic inherits from receiver default values. isInheritSenderForTopic - Shows the inherit sender defaults for a topic for a specified topic space. Returns "true" if the topic inherits from sender default values. isNodeZOS - Determines whether or not a given node is a z/OS node. listAdminObjectInterfaces - List all of the defined administrative object interfaces on the specified J2C resource adapter. listAllDestinationsWithRoles - Lists all destinations which have roles defined on them. listAllForeignBusesWithRoles - Lists all foreign buses which have roles defined on them for the specified bus. listAllRolesForGroup - Lists all the roles defined for a specified group. listAllRolesForUser - Lists all the roles defined for a specified user. listAllTopicsWithRoles - Lists all the topics with roles defined for the specified topic space. listApplicationPorts - Displays a list of ports that is used to access the specified application, including the node name, server name, named endpoint, and host and port values. listAuthorizationGroups - List existing Authorization Groups. listAuthorizationGroupsForGroupID - list all the AuthorizationGroups that a given group has access to listAuthorizationGroupsForUserID - list all the AuthorizationGroups that a given user has access to. listAuthorizationGroupsOfResource - Get the authorization groups of a given Resource. listCertificateRequests - The list of certificate request in a keyStore. listChainTemplates - Displays a list of templates that can be used to create chains in this configuration. All templates have a certain type of transport channel as the last transport channel in the chain. listChains - List all chains configured under a particular instance of TransportChannelService. listConnectionFactoryInterfaces - List all of the defined connection factory interfaces on the specified J2C resource adapter. listCoreGroups - Return a collection of core groups that are related to the specified core group. listDatasources - List the datasources that are contained in the specified scope. listDescriptiveProps - List descriptive properties under an object. listDynamicSSLConfigSelections - List all Dynamic SSL configuration selections. listEligibleBridgeInterfaces - Returns a collection of node, server and transport channel chain combinations that are eligible to become bridge interfaces for the specified core group access point. listGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroup - listGroupIDsOfAuthorizationGroupDesc listGroupsInBusConnectorRole - List the groups in the bus connector role listGroupsInDefaultRole - List the groups in the default role. listGroupsInDestinationRole - List the groups in the specified role in the destination security space role for the given destination. listGroupsInForeignBusRole - List the groups in the specified role in the foreign bus security space role for the given bus. listGroupsInTopicRole - Lists the groups in the specified topic role for the specified topic space. listGroupsInTopicSpaceRootRole - Lists the groups in the specified topic space role for the specified topic space. listIdMgrCustomProperties - Returns custom properties of specified repository configuration. listIdMgrLDAPBackupServers - Lists the backup LDAP servers. listIdMgrLDAPEntityTypes - Lists the name of all configured entity types for the specified LDAP repository. listIdMgrLDAPServers - Lists all the configured primary LDAP servers. listIdMgrRealmBaseEntries - Lists all base entries of the specified realm. listIdMgrRealms - Lists the name of configured realms. listIdMgrRepositories - Lists names, types, and hostnames of all the configured repositories. listIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntries - Returns base entries for a specified repository. listIdMgrSupportedDBTypes - Returns a list of supported database types. listIdMgrSupportedEntityTypes - Lists all the configured supported entity types. listIdMgrSupportedLDAPServerTypes - Returns list of supported LDAP server types. listIdMgrSupportedMessageDigestAlgorithms - Returns a list of supported message digest algorithms. listInheritDefaultsForDestination - List inherit defaults for destination (deprecated - use isInheritDefaultsForDestination instead) listInheritReceiverForTopic - List Inherit Receiver For topic (deprecated - use isInheritReceiverForTopic instead) listInheritSenderForTopic - List Inherit Sender For topic (deprecated - use isInheritSenderForTopic instead) listJ2CActivationSpecs - List the J2C activation specifications that have a specified message listener type defined in the specified J2C resource adapter. listJ2CAdminObjects - List the J2C administrative objects that have a specified administrative object interface defined in the specified J2C resource adapter. listJ2CConnectionFactories - List J2C connection factories that have a specified connection factory interface defined in the specified J2C resource adapter. listJDBCProviders - List the JDBC providers that are contained in the specified scope. listKeyFileAliases - List personal certificate aliases in a Key Store File listKeyManagers - List key managers within a give scope. listKeyReferences - Lists key references for the keys in a keySet. listKeySetGroups - List key set groups within a scope. listKeySets - List key sets within a scope. listKeyStoreTypes - List the supported key store types. listKeyStores - List key store objects in a particular scope. listManagedNodes - Use this command to list all managed nodes in the cell. listManagementScopes - List all management scopes. listMessageListenerTypes - List all of the defined message listener types on the specified J2C resource adapter. listNodeGroupProperties - list properties of a node group listNodeGroups - listNodeGroups listNodes - listNodes listPersonalCertificates - The list of personal certificates in a given keyStore. listResourcesForGroupID - List all the objects that a given group has access to. listResourcesForUserID - List all the objects that a given user has access to. listResourcesOfAuthorizationGroup - List all the resources within the given Authorization Group. listSIBDestinations - List destinations belonging to a bus. listSIBEngines - List messaging engines. listSIBForeignBuses - List the SIB foreign buses. listSIBJMSActivationSpecs - List activation specifications on the SIB JMS resource adapter in given scope. listSIBJMSConnectionFactories - List all SIB JMS connection factories of the specified type at the specified scope. listSIBJMSQueues - List all SIB JMS queues at the specified scope. listSIBJMSTopics - List all SIB JMS topics at the specified scope. listSIBLinks - List the SIB links. listSIBMQLinks - List the WebSphere MQ links. listSIBMediations - List the mediations on a bus. listSIBPermittedChains - Lists the permitted chains for the specified bus. listSIBWMQServerBusMembers - List all WebSphere MQ servers. listSIBWMQServers - List all WebSphere MQ servers. listSIBusMembers - List the members on a bus. listSIBuses - List all buses in the cell. listSSLCiphers - List of ciphers. listSSLConfigGroups - List all SSL configuartion groups. listSSLConfigProperties - List the properties for a given SSL configuration. listSSLConfigs - List SSL configuartions for a specific management scope. listSSLRepertoires - List all SSLConfig instances that can be associated with an SSLInboundChannel listServerPorts - Displays a list of ports that is used by a particular server, including the node name, server name, named endpoint, and host and port values. listServerTemplates - Lists the available Server Templates listServerTypes - Lists the available serverTypes given a Node object. listServers - list servers of specified server type and node name. If node name is not specified, whole cell will be searched. If the server type is not specified servers of all types are returned. listSignerCertificates - The list of signer certificates in a keyStore. listTAMSettings - This command lists the current embedded Tivoli Access Manager configuration settings. listTCPEndPoints - Lists all NamedEndPoints that can be associated with a TCPInboundChannel listTCPThreadPools - Lists all ThreadPools that can be associated with a TCPInboundChannel or TCPOutboundChannel listTrustManagers - List trust managers. listUDPEndPoints - Lists all the NamedEndPoints endpoints that can be associated with a UDPInboundChannel listUnmanagedNodes - Use this command to list all unmanaged nodes in the cell. listUserIDsOfAuthorizationGroup - listUserIDsOfAuthorizationGroupDesc listUsersInBusConnectorRole - List the users in the Bus Connector Role listUsersInDefaultRole - List the users in a default role. listUsersInDestinationRole - List the users in the specified role in the destination security space role for the given destination. listUsersInForeignBusRole - List the users in the specified role in the foreign bus security space role for the given bus. listUsersInTopicRole - Lists the users in the specified topic role for the specified topic space. listUsersInTopicSpaceRootRole - Lists the users in the specified topic space role for the specified topic space. listWSCertExpMonitor - List all certificate expiration monitors. listWSNAdministeredSubscribers - Lists all the WSNAdministeredSubscriber objects in the configuration of the target WSNServicePoint that match the specified input parameters. listWSNServicePoints - Lists all the WSNServicePoint objects in the configuration of the target WSNService that match the specified input parameters. listWSNServices - Lists all the WSNService objects in the configuration that match the specified input parameters. listWSNTopicDocuments - Lists all the WSNTopicDocument objects in the configuration of the target WSNTopicNamespace that match the specified input parameters. listWSNTopicNamespaces - Lists all the WSNTopicNamespace objects in the configuration of the target WSNService that match the specified input parameters. listWSNotifiers - List all notifiers. listWSSchedules - List all schedules. mapGroupsToAdminRole - Map groupids to one or more admin role in the authorization group. mapUsersToAdminRole - Map userids to one or more admin role in the authorization group. mediateSIBDestination - Mediate a destination. modifyDescriptiveProp - Modify a descriptive property under an object. modifyKeyManager - Modify a key manager. modifyKeySet - Modify a Key Sets attributes. modifyKeySetGroup - Modify the a key set group. modifyNodeGroup - modify a node group configuration modifyNodeGroupProperty - modify the property of a node group modifySIBDestination - Modify bus destination. modifySIBEngine - Modify a messaging engine. modifySIBForeignBus - Modify a SIB foreign bus. modifySIBJMSActivationSpec - Modify the attributes of the given SIB JMS activation specification. modifySIBJMSConnectionFactory - Modify the attributes of the supplied SIB JMS connection factory using the supplied attribute values. modifySIBJMSQueue - Modify the attributes of the supplied SIB JMS queue using the supplied attribute values. modifySIBJMSTopic - Modify the attributes of the supplied SIB JMS topic using the supplied attribute values. modifySIBLink - Modify an existing SIB link. modifySIBMQLink - Modify an existing WebSphere MQ link. modifySIBMediation - Modify a mediation. modifySIBWMQServer - Modify a named WebSphere MQ server's attributes. modifySIBWMQServerBusMember - Modify a named WebSphere MQ server bus member. modifySIBus - Modify a bus. modifySSLConfig - Modify a SSL configuration. modifySSLConfigGroup - Modify a SSL configuration group. modifyServerPort - Modifies the host or port of the named endpoint that is used by the specified server. modifySpnegoTAIProperties - This command modifies SPNEGO TAI properties in the security configuration. modifyTrustManager - Modify a trust manger. modifyWSCertExpMonitor - Modify a certificate expiration monitor. modifyWSNotifier - Modify a notifier. modifyWSSchedule - Modify a schedule. moveClusterToCoreGroup - Move all servers in a cluster from one core group to another. moveServerToCoreGroup - Move a server from one core group to another. prepareKeysForCellProfile - Prepare keys and keystores for Cell profile creation. prepareKeysForSingleProfile - Prepare keys and keystores for a profile creation. publishSIBWSInboundService - Publish an inbound service to a UDDI registry. receiveCertificate - Receive a certificate from a file. reconfigureTAM - This command configures embedded Tivoli Access Manager on the WebSphere Application Server node or nodes specified. refreshSIBWSInboundServiceWSDL - Refresh the WSDL definition for an inbound service. refreshSIBWSOutboundServiceWSDL - Refresh the WSDL definition for an outbound service. removeDefaultRoles - Remove all default roles removeDestinationRoles - Removes all destination roles defined for the specified destination in the specified bus. removeEventService - The removeEventService command removes the event service from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceDB2DB - The removeEventServiceDB2DB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceDB2ZOSDB - The removeEventServiceDB2ZOSDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for DB2 z/OS from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB - The removeEventServiceDB2iSeriesDB command removes the DB2 for iSeries data sources from a server or cluster. User must remove the database manually. removeEventServiceDerbyDB - The removeEventServiceDerbyDB command removes the Event Service database and data source for Derby from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceInformixDB - The removeEventServiceInformixDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for Informix from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceMdb - The removeEventServiceMdb command removes the event service MDB from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceOracleDB - The removeEventServiceOracleDB command removes the Event Service tables and data sources for Oracle from a server or cluster. The command does not remove the database. removeEventServiceSQLServerDB - The removeEventServiceSQLServerDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for SQL Server from a server or cluster. removeEventServiceSybaseDB - The removeEventServiceSybaseDB command removes the Event Service database and data sources for Sybase from a server or cluster. removeForeignBusRoles - Remove all foreign bus roles defined for the specified bus removeGroupFromAllRoles - Removes a group from all roles defined. removeGroupFromBusConnectorRole - Remove a group's permission to connect to the specified bus. removeGroupFromDefaultRole - Removes a group from the specified role in the default security space role. removeGroupFromDestinationRole - Removes a group from the specified destination role for the specified destination. removeGroupFromForeignBusRole - Removes a group from the specified foreign bus role for the bus specified removeGroupFromTopicRole - Removes a groups permission to access the topic for the specified role. removeGroupFromTopicSpaceRootRole - Removes a groups permission to access the topic space for the specified role. removeGroupsFromAdminRole - Remove groupids from one or more admin role in the AuthorizationGroup. removeIdMgrLDAPBackupServer - Removes a backup LDAP server. removeMemberFromGroup - Removes a member (user or group) from a group. removeNodeFromNodeGroups - No description available removeNodeGroup - remove a node group from the configuration. removeNodeGroupMember - remove a member from the node group. removeNodeGroupProperty - remove a property from a node group removeResourceFromAuthorizationGroup - Remove resources from an existing authorization group. removeSIBPermittedChain - Removes the specified chain from the list of permitted chains for the specified bus. removeSIBWSInboundPort - Remove an inbound port. removeSIBWSOutboundPort - Remove an outbound port. removeSIBusMember - Remove a member from a bus. removeUnmanagedNode - Use this command to remove an unmanaged node from a cell. removeUserFromAllRoles - Removes a user from all roles defined. removeUserFromBusConnectorRole - Remove a user's permission to connect to the specified bus. removeUserFromDefaultRole - Removes a user from the specified role in the default security space role. removeUserFromDestinationRole - Removes a user from the specified destination role for the specified destination. removeUserFromForeignBusRole - Removes a user from the specified foreign bus role for the bus specified removeUserFromTopicRole - Removes a users permission to access the topic for the specified role. removeUserFromTopicSpaceRootRole - Removes a users permission to access the topic space for the specified role. removeUsersFromAdminRole - Remove userids from one or more admin role in the AuthorizationGroup. removeVariable - Remove a variable definition from the system. A variable is a configuration property that can be used to provide a parameter for some values in the system. removeWSGWTargetService - Remove a target service from a gateway service. renameIdMgrRealm - Renames the specified realm configuration. replaceCertificate - Replace a Certificate with a different certificate. reportConfigInconsistencies - Checks the configuation repository and reports any structural inconsistencies reportConfiguredPorts - Generates a report of the ports configured in the cell resetIdMgrConfig - Reloads the virtual member manager configuration from the virtual member manager configuration file. retrieveSignerFromPort - Retrieve a signer certificate from a port and add it to the KeyStore. retrieveSignerInfoFromPort - Retrieve signer information from a port. searchGroups - Searches groups. searchUsers - Searches PersonAccounts. setDefaultSIBWSOutboundPort - Set the default outbound port for an outbound service. setEventServiceJmsAuthAlias - The setEventServiceJmsAuthAlias updates the authentication alias used by the event service JMS objects on a server or cluster. If the JMS authentication alias does not exist, it is created setGenericJVMArguments - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Generic JVM Arguments Size setGlobalSecurity - The administrative security field in the security.xml file is updated based on the user input of true or false. setIdMgrCustomProperty - Sets/adds/deletes custom property to a repository configuration. If value is an empty string then the property will be deleted from the repository configuration. If name does not exist then it will be added, if value is not an empty string. If name is an empty string then all the custom properties will be deleted. setIdMgrDefaultRealm - Sets the name of the default realm. setIdMgrEntryMappingRepository - Sets or updates an entry mapping repository configuration. setIdMgrLDAPAttrCache - Sets up the LDAP attribute cache configuration. setIdMgrLDAPContextPool - Sets up the LDAP context pool configuration. setIdMgrLDAPGroupConfig - Sets up the LDAP group configuration. setIdMgrLDAPSearchResultCache - Sets up the LDAP search result cache configuration. setIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepository - Sets or updates the property mapping repository configuration. setInheritDefaultsForDestination - Allows the override for inheritance for an individual destination. Setting the "inherit" value to true will allow the destination to inherit from the default values. setInheritReceiverForTopic - Allows the override for receiver inheritance for an individual topic on a specified topic space. Setting the "inherit" value to true will allow the topic to inherit from the default values. setInheritSenderForTopic - Allows the override for sender inheritance for an individual topic on a specified topic space. Setting the "inherit" value to true will allow the topic to inherit from the default values. setJVMDebugMode - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Debug Mode setJVMInitialHeapSize - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Initial Heap Size setJVMMaxHeapSize - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) Maximum Heap Size setJVMMode - Set the JVM mode to either 64 or 31 bit. If 64-bit is set, the JAVA_HOME will be set to $WAS_HOME/java64. The default jvm mode is 31 bit. setJVMProperties - Set Java virtual machine (JVM) configuration for the application server. setJVMSystemProperties - set Java virtual machine (JVM) system property for the application server's process. setProcessDefinition - Set the process definition of an application server. setResourceProperty - This command sets the value of a specified property defined on a resource provider such as JDBCProvider or a connection factory such as DataSource or JMSConnectionFactory. If the property with specified key is defined already, then this command overrides the value. If none property with specified key is defined yet, then this command will add the property with specified key and value. setServerInstance - Set Server Instance configuration. This command only applies to the z/OS platform. setTraceSpecification - Set the trace specification for the server. If the server is running new trace specification takes effect immediately. This command also saves the trace specification in configuration. setUseRegistryServerId - The useRegistryServerId security field in userRegistry object in the security.xml file is updated based on the user input of true or false. setVariable - Set the value for a variable. A variable is a configuration property that can be used to provide a parameter for some values in the system. setupIdMgrDBTables - Creates and populates tables for database in virtual member manager. setupIdMgrEntryMappingRepositoryTables - Creates and populates tables for entry mapping database in virtual member manager. setupIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepositoryTables - Creates and populates tables for a property extension database in virtual member manager. showEventServiceStatus - The showEventServiceStatus command returns the status of the event service in a server or cluster. If the task is executed with no parameters, the status of all event services is displayed. To filter the list of event services to be displayed, provide nodeName, serverName or clusterName. showIdMgrConfig - Shows the current configuration with unsaved changes. showJVMProperties - List Java virtual machine (JVM) configuration for the application server's process. showJVMSystemProperties - Show Java virtual machine (JVM) system properties for the application server.'s process. showProcessDefinition - Show the process definition of the server showResourceProperties - This command list all the property values defined on a resource provider such as JDBCProvider or a connection factory such as DataSource or JMSConnectionFactory. showSIBDestination - Show a bus destination's attributes. showSIBEngine - Show a messaging engine's attributes. showSIBForeignBus - Show detail for a SIB foreign bus. showSIBJMSActivationSpec - Show the attributes of target SIB JMS activation specification. showSIBJMSConnectionFactory - Return a list containing the SIB JMS connection factory's attribute names and values. showSIBJMSQueue - Return a list containing the SIB JMS queue's attribute names and values. showSIBJMSTopic - Return a list containing the SIB JMS topic's attribute names and values. showSIBLink - Show detail for a SIB link. showSIBMQLink - Show detail for a WebSphere MQ link. showSIBMediation - Show the attributes of a mediation. showSIBWMQServer - Display a named WebSphere MQ server's attributes. showSIBWMQServerBusMember - List all WebSphere MQ server bus members. showSIBus - Show the attributes of a bus. showSIBusMember - Show a member from a bus. showServerInfo - show detailed information of a specified server. showServerInstance - Show Server Instance configuration. This command only applies to the z/OS platform. showServerTypeInfo - Show server type information. showSpnegoTAIProperties - This command displays the SPNEGO TAI properties in the security configuration. If an spnId is not specified, all the SPNEGO TAI properties are displayed. showTemplateInfo - A command that displays all the Metadata about a given template. showVariables - List variable values under a scope. showWSNAdministeredSubscriber - Show the properties of a WSNAdministeredSubscriber object in a human readable form. showWSNService - Show the properties of a WSNService object in a human readable form. showWSNServicePoint - Show the properties of a WSNServicePoint object in a human readable form. showWSNTopicDocument - Show the properties of a WSNTopicDocument in a human readable form. showWSNTopicNamespace - Show the properties of a WSNTopicNamespace object in a human readable form. startCertificateExpMonitor - Start the Certificate Expiration Monitor. unconfigureTAM - This command unconfigures embedded Tivoli Access Manager on the WebSphere Application Server node or nodes specified. unmediateSIBDestination - Mediate a destination. unpublishSIBWSInboundService - Unpublish an inbound service from a UDDI registry. updateAppOnCluster - Updates all cluster members about the application config changes. updateGroup - Updates the attributes of a group. updateIdMgrDBRepository - Updates a database repository configuration. updateIdMgrFileRepository - Updates a file repository configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPAttrCache - Updates the LDAP attribute cache configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPBindInfo - Dynamically updates the LDAP server bind information. If bindDN is specified bindPassword must be specified. If only id is specified then LDAP server information is refreshed. updateIdMgrLDAPContextPool - Updates the LDAP context pool configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPEntityType - Updates an existing LDAP entity type definition to an LDAP repository configuration. This command can be used to add more values to multivalued parameters. If the property already exists then its value is replaced. If the property does not exist, the value is added. updateIdMgrLDAPGroupDynamicMemberAttr - Updates a dynamic member attribute configuration of an LDAP group configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPGroupMemberAttr - Updates a member attribute configuration of an LDAP group configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPRepository - Updates an LDAP repository configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPSearchResultCache - Updates the LDAP search result cache configuration. updateIdMgrLDAPServer - Updates an LDAP server configuration of the LDAP repository configuration. updateIdMgrRealm - Updates the configuration of the specified realm. updateIdMgrRepository - Updates the configuration of the specified repository. To add multiple values to a multivalued parameter, call this command repeatedly. updateIdMgrRepositoryBaseEntry - Updates a base entry for the specified repository. updateIdMgrSupportedEntityType - Updates a supported entity type configuration. updateUser - Updates the attributes of a user. validateAdminName - Validates the existence of the administrator name in the input user registry. validateLDAPConnection - Validate connection to the specified LDAP server.